Traditional Medicine Pishgaman Institution (TMPI) was established in 2014 in Tehran, After seven years’ experiences and efforts in education and research of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (T,CAM) at the University Of Traditional Medicine Of Armenia( UTMA) by Dr.MD Amirhossein Sattari with the aim of introduce and developing of T,CAM methods and their effects in human health, with graduating new qualities of doctors and therapists in the field of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Which ultimately leads to a better quality of human life and health. Pishgaman is legalized under the number of 35200 and is a member science based companies and institutions syndicates of Iran. We proud that we are the first private institute of Iran which has academic council of outstanding scholars.
There are 5 departments and 5 sections for TMPI which presents Institute’s intellectual path,
Departments of:
· Epidemiology
· Holistic medicine
· Herbal medicine
· Pharmacognosy
· Pathology
And sections of:
· Education
· Laboratory
· Production
· Rectorate (office)
· International Relations
· Cooperation
· Public relation office
· IT
These show we believe in : first is research, then testing and making functional, next to teach and finally sharing with others .
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence.
We believe in quality , our mission is to extend Iranian Alternative Medicine throughout the world.
We believe in human ability to cure their illness
We try to awareness to people for their health benefits
Here you can earn alot of abilities from different CAM methods :Iranian Alternative Medicine
Chinese Medicine
Indian Traditional Medicine
Pishgaman Institute offers a unique experience to graduate students
After 5 years ,Our students will graduate after their thesis , we also support the creativity of our students.
We are a family for a unique goal.
Connections are everything, especially in today’s fast-paced, entrepreneurial-geared work environment. As prospective students face the fear of taking out massive amounts of student loan debt, they wonder if they’ll find a job post-graduation that can sustain them financially. And in many cases, doing so involves making the right connections, either while still in school or through networking afterward.